Friday, October 25, 2013

Finis SwiMP3 2G review

There's no lack of hydro-friendly MP3 players accessible, but this compact little unit from Finis is distinct. It benefits bone conduction expertise rather than benchmark headphone drivers, to get the sound into your mind, so you don't have to stick any thing into your ears, and the flats can be completely closed. They're designed to be utilised with goggles -- they won't tighten to your head on their own, but each speaker has a clip for slotting over the strap at each side. Once there they're held securely no issue how fast you're driving yourself through the surf. Your melodies are held on a minute unit not much bigger than the standard USB plug at its end, which loops round the back of your head. 

This is enclosed by a close-fitting rubber cover which seals it taut. In detail it's a bit of a test to drag it off, but better that than have it loose. The knack with the bone conduction 'headphones' is that you don't really wear them over your ears. Each is a closed unit with a flat plastic pad which you can rest against your temples or cheekbones, allowing you to seem' the music as much as hear it. Four buttons on the right-hand unit permit you to play, pause and skip tracks back and ahead. There's no shuffle option -- you'll need to set up the running alignment via your computer. With the 'speakers' against your ears the sound is tinny and way too bright for solace. But pushed against the bones of your head the bass arrives up and the sound spreads out to give an agreeable level of audio value, particularly when you're underwater. That said, this isn't hi-fi by any extend and while it can proceed blaring, you're improbable to desire it to, since it can get a bit strident when you whack it up. 

The 2GB memory (doubled from the preceding 1G version) is barely going to take the location of your wireless telephone, but that'll hold around 500 pieces of music, which allowances to about 30 hours of melodies. The rechargeable electric battery time taken up a little under seven hours of continuous playback, which may not rather get you over the conduit, but should absolutely hold you going through a couple of bathing meetings. deduction The Finis SwiMP3's skeletal part conduction approach to undersea tunage boasts a practical and befitting way to listen to your melodies while swimming. They fasten securely to your goggles and offer alright, though not exceptional sound.